J+J | Courthouse Montreal Wedding

There’s nothing that I love more than a small courthouse wedding. It’s just so nice to have an intimate affair with your close friends and family. These two planned their wedding over two days, starting with the courthouse on the saturday to make it official and a party on the sunday (which I’ll show on another day)

I love couples that don’t care about the frills and just keep it real. They want to get married because they love each other. That’s it! Details aren’t important just as long as they get to celebrate their union. Gotta be honest though, if there’s one thing I would change about Courthouse weddings. MAKE IT A LITTLE LONGERRRRRR. Cause 10-minute ceremonies sure doesn’t give me a lot of time to get some variety! But hey. It goes with the vibe. As long as my couples are happy… That’s ALL I care about.

Here are the photos:

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