GoodBye 2019

Dear 2019,

I cannot believe how fast you have come and gone. I was literally changing my wall calendar this week and saying “what a waste. I just bought this one” and then, when I went to check when I actually bought it and it was Feb 2019. Stupid.

I wish I could tell you that you did a lot for me this year but it would be a lie. Don’t worry though, It’s 100% my fault. At the end of 2017, I was so ready to quit photography. Everything was becoming monotone and, after 8 years of it fulltime, I believed that I was ready to move on. To my surprise, I’m not. Since I was stuck in a weird headspace in 2018, I didn’t shoot many weddings this year. Luckily the ones that I did shoot were magnificent in every sense of the word. The clients, the locations, the themes… everything worked. I won’t lie to you though 2019, I wish you went a little slower.

I think it’s because when I truly think about it, I went through a lot of changes this year. Mostly Mentally. 2019 was a year of observation for me. I studied the world around me a lot. Now, I tend to feel more, connect more and apologize less for it. Unfortunately, that totally means that I cry at every commercial but hey.. It could be worse.

I’m hoping that 2020 will be better in terms of Clarity and Opportunity. Clarity in the projects that I would like to get more into and Opportunity in making sure that those projects flourish. Last year, I started talking about doing a word of the year (not the workshop or anything but more as a way to guide myself) and this year, I’ll push myself to use it. For 2020, I choose Something. Something to focus on, Something to reach… Turn a project into something. It’s the first word that popped into my head when I first started thinking about it and I’m sticking to it. Hopefully, 2020 will allow me to gain speed again and head towards … something (in addition to wedding photography of course – but unfortunately, this is not a field my physical body will allow to do forever). If you choose a word, Feel free to share it with me.

Ok. Back to photography. In the last few days, I tried to go through my weddings and sessions and choose my favorites. I must admit that I gave up a little halfway but …yo …  it’s a lot to cull through.

These are some of my fav images and gifs of 2019. I hope you enjoy. I added a few Behind-the-scenes to keep you entertained.

Thank you for allowing me to make it this far in my business. this year will mark of 10th year anniversary of doing photography fulltime. Pretty crazy.

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