My trip to Scotland

What do you do when one of your besties finally decides to take a badass [dare I say very complicated] trip to move herself and her dog to Scotland for 6 months? You buy a ticket and YOU JOIN HER. The UK has shown to be very “touchy” when it comes to accepting dogs. If […]
Thoughts behind intimate weddings

This past weekend, I watched my little brother get married to the woman he loves. [And then… there was one.] He planned an “impromptu” wedding supper and give us a 2-weeks notice. -“So, what are you guys doing Jan 18th” he announced on Xmas eve. -“Dunno” we replied -“Ok cause we are getting married or […]
GoodBye 2019

Dear 2019, I cannot believe how fast you have come and gone. I was literally changing my wall calendar this week and saying “what a waste. I just bought this one” and then, when I went to check when I actually bought it and it was Feb 2019. Stupid. I wish I could tell you […]

2017. What a year. I’m not going to lie to you guys… It was a harsh one. On a personal note more than professional. I realize that it’s not always what people want to hear when they come on a happy wedding blog but, I always feel that, as a professional photographer, it’s important, to be honest. […]
My trip out West

Last October, I went out west with my cousin for 10 days to work and visit the sights. I booked up a contract in Seattle and asked my cousin (from Italy) if she wanted to come along. So, she got ready for her 17-hour trip (Yea! Vancouver is FAR from Italy) and we met in […]
My struggles with feeling beautiful

If you are following me on instagram or twitter, you might have started noticing that I posted a lot of “selfies” lately. Lots of people might look at those photos and think “geez, she loves herself eh?” or think that it’s narcissistic but truth is, taking selfies are the hardest thing in the world for […]
Fake it until you make it | thought of the day

I post a lot of information on my social networks. Between Facebook and Instagram, I average maybe 15 posts a week. I wish I could say the same about my blog butHey. I’m working on it! With that being said, it makes me seem that i’m quite a busy lady! I am! But it’s not […]
Your life is up to you

So i have a “thought of the day”. Want to hear? I think it’s pretty amazing that we are living in the times we live in. We have the freedom to live how we wish. No one is there to judge or tell us we can’t. I love how unique we all are from each […]
Why I Am A Photographer

It happens for me to wonder why I do what I do. Why would anyone ever be a photographer? Especially full-time. The money is bad. The contracts aren’t guaranteed. The work is never-ending. You are forced to do things that you don’t like doing – such as accounting, secretary work or more. Ouuuff. It’s extremely […]
I’m not afraid of heights

Yesterday, I realized that I wasn’t afraid of heights. Just yesterday? Yup. I’ve always been considered a “monkey” in my younger years but I guess part of me still kinda believed that I was a little afraid of heights anyhow because, well .. isn’t everybody ? Who cares though, no? I think I said it […]