Home sessions are some of my favorite sessions.
Sadly though, a lot of families often have a hard time booking these types of sessions. The most used reason being: they don’t think their house is “nice enough”. As if I care about what their house looks like!? As a photographer, the last thing I care about is if your bed sheets match the wall color. It’s also the last thing people looking at these photos will care about. Think about it like this. As you are looking at photos or videos on the internet on your friends (or strangers), how often does it actually happen where you think to yourself : “oufff that drape though”. NEVER! So what makes you think that other people will think differently? Think about that for a second.
The interaction happening in the shot is what’s interested! What I do care to photograph, is the little moments your family has in a space that’s familiar.
True moments happen there. The kids are running around showing me all their toys, they are interacting and zooming from room to room chasing each other, parents are trying to figure out how to calm them down… food? Promises of candy later? Bathtime? It’s chaos and, it’s amazing. It’s life.
It shows off your family in its truest form. It might not always be pretty but, it’s real. It’s how you should be remembering your family.
I’ve captured this growing family for the past [lot of] years. Since Hannah was 4 or 5. And now… they are 3 siblings. I stayed with them last weekend for 3 hours and captured what this family calls life.
In case I’ve convinced you to book this sort of session too : Here’s more info. Enjoy the photos.