Fake it until you make it | thought of the day

I post a lot of information on my social networks. Between Facebook and Instagram, I average maybe 15 posts a week. I wish I could say the same about my blog butHey. I’m working on it! With that being said, it makes me seem that i’m quite a busy lady! I am! But it’s not as it really seems to be. When I finally manage to find time to go out for drinks with my friends, the first thing they say to me is “You seem so busy ! I see your photos on facebook all the time” Apart from the fact that i refrain myself from saying “THEN WHY DON’T YOU LIKE OR COMMENT on MY IMAGES” I usually just answer “Meh.” It’s the truth. I’m working a lot but I’m definitely not working as much as I would like to. It just SEEMS like it’s working a lot because I’m posting a lot online. But people don’t believe me. They see all my quotes and my images and my life online and they think to themselves.. “Wow look at this superstar photographer there working on 1000 weddings and boudoir sessions”.

Fake it until you make it. Become the photographer you wish to be by ACTING as the photographer you wish to become. People will believe you… and thus start remembering you when they need to book you. thennnn afterwards, you can blow them away with all your pretty photos and professionalism. Don’t get discouraged because your career just seems like it’s less busy than mine…

The reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind-the-scenes with everyone else’s highlight reel. ~Steve Furtick

Now that’s marketing I can actually get on board with. And exactly what I teach small companies when they ask me how I got my own business going. Fake it till you make it. If you talk the talk, you don’t have to really walk the walk. Just talk your way through it. I don’t know if this girl even has an album out or if it’s coming or what but she seems like she loves what she does and that’s she’s dedicated to it and that’s good enough for me (for now).

If you believe in what you sell and you love what you do… people will come. That’s all. It’s not even about the product itself. Confidence in yourself and your product (or better yet the philosophy behind your product) will make people talk about you and believe in you too. If you don’t have confidence in what you do… there’s no way anyone else will either. Talk to a professional and people will perceive you as such.

I felt the need to tell you all about my experience today. Cause when I closed my Instagram, I stopped myself and said “what? I just realized that i didn’t even hear her music or anything. awesome”

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