B + P | Jamaica couple

While in Jamaica, it would be silly not to take full advantage of the pretty views and awesome couples. We were hanging out on the beach one day and asked this first couple to come over with me and take a few images of them having fun… And they did!

This couple is the perfect example as to what could be done on your session in a short amount of time. This session was 11 minutes long. Honestly. From the first image taken to the last, it’s 11 minutes. It’s one location, one outfit. The couple got 78 images back. Full disclaimer (the last two images took 30 seconds but were indeed taken 30 minutes after the one in the grass – After we were back on our main beach) hehe. Just wanted to be honest here.

But seriously… HOW CUTE ARE THESE TWO. Ok i’m done. Enjoy the post!

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