Losing our sense of touch ?

Let’s be honest here for a minute. Growing up, I hated “touchy-feely” stuff. I was an independent woman! I liked to think that I didn’t need anyone. No need to talk about my feelings. Pfftt… What feelings? My close friends knew that. They even knew that I didn’t really like to be touched in general either. […]
How to NOT hate your wedding day

Hey guys! This is Kim, Studio manager for Ella Photography! Welcome to my first post! Your wedding day.. The day you’ve pictured in your head over and over.. The day that you’ve planned to a tee so everything is going to go perfect, right? Well… Chances are, it won’t. There’s no such thing as a PERFECT day […]
How to get the best for your wedding

I wanted to write about something a little different. Something that doesn’t directly apply to photography but applies to the industry just the same. I think it’s probably one of the most important aspects when planning your wedding day. Deciding on how you want your wedding day to turn out can be hard work and, […]
What to do if your photographer cancels?

I’m alive!! In the last few weeks, you might have heard me mention that I was fighting an incredible Eye infection. Well… I think that’s what it was. My eyes (yes, both) turned blood red and my eyelids (top and bottom) blew up like they were trying to escape my face. It was scary. Considering […]
How To Get Awesome Wedding Photographs

The first thing the bride and groom tell me on the morning after their big day is that “It went by so fast” and “I can’t believe it’s already over”! Though they may be THERE, the happy couple are so overwhelmed with everything going on that they forget to enjoy the thing that really matters; […]
Say NO! to Laser dots for your wedding!

We have a video for you. A great conversation with my dear friend from UPTOWN XPRESS, Stefan!